In this workshop, you will learn…

  1. What’s been stopping you from loving yourself more

  2. The true traits of a self-loving woman

  3. The top 3 self-love practices that will change your life forever

  4. How to LOVE the parts of yourself that you don’t even LIKE (like your pesky inner critic)

Enroll Now for $111 $19!

Save $101 while this offer lasts!

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 I’m Kelsey !

I'm a woman who used to struggle to love herself. (I actually thought I loved myself, but really I was attaching all my worth and value to my accomplishments, not my true essence.)

It wasn't until after my most toxic relationship (Yes, there were several.) that I truly learned what self-love is and how to practice it every day. Ever since experiencing the personal transformation and positive life shifts that happen as a result of loving oneself, I've been on a mission to share what truly works with other women all over the world!

Now I help thousands of women like you learn how to love themselves unconditionally so they can feel more confident, heal from past wounds and thrive in all areas of life!


 What workshop participants are saying!

If you’re tired of participating in webinars that give you googlable advice and then drag you through a 30-minute sales pitch to the product that gives you the actual information… this workshop is for you.

First of all, this is not a live workshop, it’s a recording of one of my best workshops to date, so you don’t have to worry about feeling pressure to sign up for anything else.

Secondly, this 3-part series will cut through the ambiguous social media self-love advice and give you guidance based on where you are now and what you’re doing (or not doing)!

In just a few short hours you can go from struggling to love yourself, to having the right tools to embark on a lifetime of self-lovery. Yay!

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This workshop is
for you if…

  • You have no idea how to actually love yourself

  • You feel like you’re doing all the things, but don’t know why you’re still not feeling whole, worthy, and loveable

  • You dislike certain parts of yourself (like your inner “Mean Girl” or “Nervous Nelly”) and want them to stop bothering you already

  • You’re overwhelmed with all the self-love info out there and just want to know what works

  • You’re ready to experience more inner peace and radiant confidence


 More student experiences!

Sign up for
the self-love
For only
$111 $19!

 the details

How long is it?
It’s about 3 hours long and broken up into 3 digestable video lessons.

How do I access it?
This workshop is hosted on a platform called Teachable. Once you enroll you’ll create a login so you can watch the workshop on any of your devices… at any time!

How long do I have access to the workshop?
You get lifetime access to this class once enrolled!

Are there any refunds?
Due to high rate of people who like to take advantage of online programs like this (by learning the material and then asking for a refund), there are no refunds for this workshop. Thank you for understanding.

How do I sign up?!
Just click the “enroll now” button above and you’ll be prompted to pay and then you’ll get immediate access!