Any of this sound familiar ?
>>> You want to love yourself more BUT you don’t know how or where to start.
>>> You’re a woman stuck in, or healing from, a toxic relationship. (We’ve all been there!)
>>> You’re a business owner needing to build confidence and master the art of receiving (money, clients, praise, support, etc.).
>>> You struggle to put yourself first, “fill your own cup”, or set healthy boundaries.
>>> You are ready to start healing from your past/childhood and love your inner child.
>>> You suffer from body image issues (who doesn't?) and wish you could make more peace with yourself.
>>> You’ve read every blog post and Pinterest graphic on how to “self-care”, but you’re STILL not quite feeling the love.
>>> You wish someone could just take you by the hand and show you how lovable, worthy, and enough you ALREADY are.
If you answered “YES!” to any of these scenarios, then keep reading!

imagine this is you
1 month from now . . .
🙌🏼 You’re knowing your value and feeling confident in your work or love life.
🙌🏼 All your relationships have improved to reflect the new and improved way you relate to yourself.
🙌🏼 You’ve created so much inner harmony that every area of your life harmonizes itself to match you new vibe. (Thank you Law of Attraction!)
🙌🏼 You no longer get so annoyed with your Inner Critic because you understand how shes trying to help you.
🙌🏼 You’re now SO good at holding space for yourself and processing your emotions that you’re no longer afraid to feel anything (aka you are EMOTIONALLY FREE)!
🙌🏼 You’re so connected to your worthy nature that, suddenly, you’re amazing at receiving (more money, clients, friends, love, appreciation, blessings…).
These are just A FEW of the benefits of a solid self-love practice. The truth is, practicing genuine self-love will improve every major area of your life. And Radical Self-Love will help you get here.
Introducing Radical Self - Love
A 17-lesson program where you’ll be guided through the most profound and transformational self-love practices so you can heal, blossom, and uplevel every major area of your life (from the inside out)!
enroll today !
Radical Self-Love
Online Course
- Radical Self-Love Course
- 2 Modules + 17 video lessons
- Lifetime access to the course
- BONUS #1: 5 Guided Meditations
- BONUS #2: 10 Printable Worksheets
- BONUS #3: #ActuallyICan Ebook
- BONUS #4: $500 Retreat Gift Card!
$1679 total value!
what students are saying
“Seriously, this has been angel sent! RSL has been a huge support through my days that reminds me how to love myself and process my emotions. Thank you.”
“I’ve been on this self-love journey for about 5 years. I’ve listened to literally HUNDREDS of podcasts, read the books, and followed all the accounts about self worth and self-love. I’m even a self-love coach! But this program blew me away. There are concepts and exercises in here I’ve never heard of. It wasn’t just the same repetitive stuff you hear from all the self-love people. She helps you dig deep and think about things in a very different way. I love that she offers writing prompts and free mediations to go along with some of the modules. If you’re looking to upgrade your self-love game, even if you’ve been doing this awhile... you need this program. Whether you’re a boss babe or just starting your healing journey - ANYONE can benefit from this.”
-Amanda, Intuitive Life Coach + Mentor
“I LOVE LOVE LOVE this course. It touches on everything I need to work on. It is greatly appreciated.”
“I’m LOVING "Radical Self-Love"! I've always thought of myself as a person with a pretty healthy amount of self-love, but going through this course I'm realizing things I could definitely be better at, and learning new ways to love myself even more. There is 100% chance this course is perfect for anyone considering it. GO FOR IT!”
-Lynnsey, Clinically Certified Hypnotherapist
“I'm really impressed so far. Not that I doubted the course at all, I just didn’t realize how easy it was gonna be for me to shift my mindset and feel better throughout the day. Just being only half-way through your course, my positivity towards myself has already increased. I got so used to being negative (toxic work environment), being mean to myself (toxic words), and letting every little thing annoy me. But now, I feel like my work environment isn’t that negative anymore, I'm getting along better with my coworkers, I started eating healthier and feeling better physically a little bit before starting this course, but this course made me realize my negativity was starting from within and radiating out. It’s been a drastic change in just a couple weeks. This course has seriously helped me from within, taught me how to shift that negativity to positivity, and learn how to truly love myself. Thank you so much!”
“Kelsey has taken all of the best information from the greatest authors and speakers in the spiritual community and has placed it in ONE course for you to learn how to implement ways to love and accept yourself more each day with PRACTICAL tools. She does a great job delivering her message in a simple way and, on top of that, she walks the path that she is teaching, which is really beautiful!”
-Sara, Holistic Health Coach

hi , I’m Kelsey
AND my gift is helping you see yourself through a new light!
Over my career, I’ve taught thousands of women through my blog, podcast, books, international retreats and courses how to love themselves deeply. I live to inspire ladies (just like you!) to design their best lives through personal development and spirituality-made-easy.
After I climbed out of three years of chronic depression myself, I began on my personal self-empowerment quest, and after much emotional success and life fulfillment, I naturally ended up here, as a teacher!
I created Radical Self-Love to be a step-by-step online video course to walk you through all the most profound daily practices for cultivating an authentic and lasting love for yourself.
I will show you exactly how to realize your natural divine perfection, silence your inner mean girl, and love the crap out of yourself. Once and for all.
You deserve it.
You might have seen me in…
how self - love has changed my life and can change yours too !
I know for a FACT that my self-lovery is to thank for so many life upgrades that have taken place ever since I started on my journey.
I used to be super anxious, depressed, hyper-critical of myself, stuck in toxic relationships with narscissits, overachieving to try and prove my worth to myself… Let’s just say, the love was lacking and it showed in every area of my life.
Am I perfectly self-loving 100% of the time now? No. Nobody is. (To expect perfection is a very un-loving expectation to place on oneself.)
But fast forward from then to now and…
✨ I manifested my dream guy who I’m about to marry because I became my own soul mate first.
✨ I’m super emotionally resilient because I know how to process my emotions quickly and with compassion.
✨ I’m a bestselling author because I had the confidence and self-beleif to write several published books!
✨ I no longer hate certain parts of myself (like my persistently anxious part) because I now understand and have compassion for her.
✨ I enjoy working out and eating well because I naturally gravitate toward more nourishing activities and habits.
✨ My self-love practice keeps me so full that I’m easily able to guide and support many people (friends, family, clients, readers, podcast listeners, etc.) without feeling depleted.
✨ I have a lot more inner peace and harmony which is reflected back to me by my relationships, my brand new home on two peaceful acres, my super high immune system, and the overall flow of my life.
In summary, self-love has totally transformed my inner and outer and world, and it can transform yours too!
And inside of Radical Self-Love I’ll share exactly how I did it and walk you through the most beneficial healing practices that got me here today.
Inside The course you will…
✨ Forgive yourself (a lot)
✨ Discover your Personal “love language”
✨ Clarify what self-love looks like to you
✨ Release your self-love blockages and hesitations
✨ Identify and Erase Your self-loving conditions
✨ See yourself through the eyes of God, Spirit, The Universe
✨ Learn the #1 thing that will help you love yourself all the time
✨ Learn how to love and soothe yourself through any emotional experience
✨ identify, love, and embrace all of you (not just your “likable” parts)
✨ Write three different types of love letters to yourself
✨ Finally see and feel that You are enough
✨ Do Mirror and Affirmation Work
✨ Love on your inner child
✨ and more…
Student experiences
watch this video to peak inside the course

The lifelong wisdom, skills, and results you’ll
obtain through this course are valued at over:
Radical Self-Love is priced at only:
Enroll today and get over $629 value in bonuses!
Bonus # 1
5 Guided Meditations
($50 VALUE)
Get 5 downloadable guided meditations to solidify your self-love practices. Now you can practice your self-lovin’ on the go!
Bonus # 2
10 Self-Love Worksheets
($50 VALUE)
Get 10 downloadable self-love worksheets to go along with the lessons in the course. Print, use, and abuse these exercises as many times as you want!
Bonus # 3
($29 VALUE)
Get a digital copy of #ActuallyICan: The Art of Affirming Yourself to Greatness so you can add positive affirmations to your self-love practice!
bonus #4
$500 off my Radical Self-Love RETREAT!
($500 Value)
I gift all my Radical Self-Love students $500 towards the retreat! And yes, you are doing the math right. Invest $300 in yourself, get a $500 gift card towards an epic expereince.
Your life could look totally different a few short weeks from now !
These are the types of results that my students typically experience after going through this program.
you’ve got two choices
You can keep searching the internet, collecting all the free resources on self-love you can find, spend all your free time reading self-help books (instead of actually loving yourself), and do a ton of therapy (huge investment), and maybe, (in a few years) make some progress in the self-love department…
OR . . .
You can just learn the most effective and transformational self-love practices (that actually work) and start integrating them into your life today. No more confusion. No more guessing. No more wasting your precious time or dollars.
With just 10-20 minutes a day, in two weeks from now you could be seeing yourself in a whole new light!
are you ready ?
If you’re ready to stop fumbling around with your own emotional wellbeing and start making yourself your top priority, then Radical Self-Love is going to be the online course that changes everything for you.
your self - love journey starts now !
Life is too short to keep putting yourself on the back-burner. It’s time for you to love yourself like you’ve never been loved before. I’ll see you inside!
more student love
“I didn't think this course would influence me this deep to honor my true essence without needing to change a thing about myself, but it has. Kelsey's rooted demeanor and effortless compassionate nature is extremely supportive and has allowed me to see that loving myself fully is really possible. What this course has taught me the most is that I'm actually worthy of the love I've been asking for and its been here all along!!”
-Celena, Medicine Guide and Soul Integration Coach
“I LOVE the way that Kelsey approaches self-love in this course! There’s a lesson about love languages... and without giving it away, my mind was BLOWN! Even after just a few modules in, I could feel my perspective changing. This course was just what I needed in order to know what true self-love looks like and feels like for me. I love loving myself.”
-Sam, Host of Gooey Podcast
“This course has already been such a LIGHT in my life. RSL is incredibly relatable. Finally, this self-love thing is really WORKING for me. The resources and action steps throughout the course are just what I needed to transform my life into something truly beautiful. I am so happy I enrolled!”
-Nina, Women’s Hormone and Anxiety Coach
enroll today !
Radical Self-Love
Online Course
- Radical Self-Love Course
- 2 Modules + 17 video lessons
- Lifetime access to the course
- BONUS #1: 5 Guided Meditations
- BONUS #2: 10 Printable Worksheets
- BONUS #3: #ActuallyICan Ebook
- BONUS #4: $500 Retreat Gift Card!
$1679 total value!
“ I don’t have enough time to love myself ”
Radical Self-Love only takes about 10-20 minutes a day to complete. That’s probably less time than you spend scrolling through Instagram comparing yourself to Victoria Secret models (not very self-loving, by the way). If you can’t find 10-20 minutes to gift to yourself every day… then you must not want to love yourself that badly.
“ I don’t want to spend the money “
Investing in yourself is the best, most fulfilling way to put your dollars to good use. You can either go to Starbucks everyday and waste money on $4 drinks for the next two months OR you can just skip the calories and invest in your own wellbeing (for once)! What is the outcome of loving yourself worth to you? #priceless
“ I don’t think it’s possible to love myself “
Darling… how will you actually know if you never really try? As cliche as it sounds… If I can do it, you can too. Everyone starts somewhere. Trust me, your time is now.
Your time is now
There has NEVER been a better time to start loving yourself.
Why, you ask? The answer is simple: LIFE IS SHORT.
Life is simply too short to . . .
not be constantly forgiving yourself.
live another day where you don’t or can’t love yourself!
be hypercritical and beat up on yourself for not being “perfect”.
feel shitty about yourself when you are so fucking (excuse my French) awesome!
not know who you really are... which is a divinely created masterpiece!
feel like you're not living up to your full potential.
stay feeling like you’re never enough.
feel like you can't trust yourself.
So what are you waiting for ?
How is the course delivered?
Radical Self-Love is a 100% online course that is hosted on Teachable.com, a platform for online courses. When you enroll, you create a Teachable username and login to become a student and then you have instant online access to the course... forever!
How much time will this course take to complete?
Since you can take Radical Self-Love at your own pace it can take you as little or as long as you would like. If you watch one video lesson a day (10-15 min a day) it will take you about two weeks to complete.
Why is the creator of this product qualified to teach me how to love myself?
Kelsey Aida is an inspirational blogger and author. Her main focus is to teach people how to own their power and win at life. She's already inspired over 15,000 to take inspired action to better their lives through spirituality, metaphysics, positive psychology and so on. Because she's been through the ringer and back, her life experience is what qualifies her to teach others aboout life.
Why should I enroll in Radical Self-Love as opposed to another course on self-love?
Radical Self-Love is a unique program because it helps you get in touch with the part of you that ALREADY loves and adores you (unconditonally) so that you don't have to go changing yourself. Plus this course is valued at over $1079 and you get to enroll for only $297! That's less than 83 cents a day (for one year).
When does this course start and finish ?
The course starts as soon as you enroll and ends never! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. Most people get through the course in about two weeks or less.
How long do I have access to the course for ?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
How do I know if I am ready to take this course?
You know you are ready for Radical Self-Love when you are simply willing to love yourself more than ever before. You are NOT ready for Radical Self-Love if you're not willing to invest the time, the self work, or the money to finally feel better about yourself.